IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Information Technology & Indian Economy

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Dr. Rahane Shobha Tukaram , Dr.Pramodini Nawale/Kadam


Over the past decade and a half (IT) spending has grown exponentially. India's IT sector is driving the Indian economy to unprecedented heights and according to all estimates, the contribution of the IT sector to the Indian economy is set to increase manifold in the future. Amidst claims of increased productivity through greater use of IT in the manufacturing process, India, like some other developing countries, has adopted policies to support the growth of the IT services industry. Such policies are adopted in the belief that the IT sector will also increase the productivity of the economy, thereby facilitating development. Also, the role of IT in India's economic development has enormous potential to accelerate growth. Information technology has not only contributed to the economic development of the country but has also made the administration more responsive and efficient. Information technology in India has made the management and delivery of government services (such as consumer rights, healthcare, etc.) more effective by improving transparency. Information technology sector includes IT-enabled services (ITES), IT services, software products, e-commerce facilities etc. All companies offering are included. Over the past decade, the role of the Internet and computers in our lives has increased manifold. Most people use IT services in some form or the other. The Covid-19 pandemic has further highlighted the contribution of the IT sector to the Indian economy. New start-ups are opening in this sector, which boosts the economy as a whole. The Indian government aims to make technology 20-25% of the country's GDP by 2025, India's IT minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar told Indian American entrepreneurs.

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