IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Influence of Social Media Marketing on the Purchase Decision-Making Process of Electronic Gadgets: A Case Study of Telangana Consumers

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Mr. Vinod D*, & Dr. J Venkata Ramana


The purpose of this study was to determine how social media marketing influenced consumers' purchases of electronic devices in Telangana, India. The research analyzed case studies of electronic gadget businesses and concluded that social media marketing can be advantageous for businesses. The study demonstrated that social media marketing can help companies reach their target audience, enhance brand recognition and customer satisfaction, and ultimately, boost sales. As a result, the study implies that social media marketing is a vital aspect of the marketing strategies for electronic gadget businesses in Telangana. The case studies presented in this study revealed that implementing social media advertising campaigns led to significant increases in website traffic and sales for businesses in the electronic gadget industry. This study looked at the usage patterns of electronic devices in Telangana, India, in order to assess the influence of social media marketing on consumers' purchasing decisions. The results highlight the significance of businesses leveraging social media to connect with their intended audience, establish their brand identity, and ultimately

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