IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Influence Of Animated Film Among Children’s Learning With Reference To “COCO”

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E. Senthil Kumaran, Dr. S. Janet mary


Animated film’s characters that are adopted and imitated by the children, who may cause major change in their behavior. In other hand the growth of learning ability, positive thinking in children from the content of animated films was the reasons to take up the research. Several literatures are been reviewed to strength the study. Content analysis is taken as the research tool to analyze the learning code in the animated film “COCO”. Research and experience have shown that stories and histories are not value neutral, for they reflect the hopes, fears and feelings of the cultures that create them. Societies and individuals internalize these models and constructions given by their cultures.

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