IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

India's Renewable Energy Resources and Their Potential

Main Article Content

Umesh Kumar Singh


Economic growth, energy security, greater access to energy, or mitigating climate change caused by global warming are all reasons for India to deploy renewable resources. India has become one of the most promising opportunities for renewable energy due to strong government regulations and an improving economy. The Indian government has devised several frameworks and regulations to encourage foreign investment in the country's renewable energy sector. This article seems to showcase India's key achievements as well as future possibilities and predictions for renewable resources. In this paper, the author talks about Renewable Energy Resources and their Potential. India's energy system has a lot of room for development. Renewable energy now accounts for just 0.37 percent of the primary commercial power generation, with fossil fuels accounting for 96.8% but also hydro as well as nuclear resources accounting for 2.77 percent.

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