IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Income Tax Reforms and Economic Growth: A Critical Assessment of Financial Implications.

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Dr. Shantkumar A. Bangundi


This research paper critically assesses the financial implications of income tax reforms on economic growth, offering a nuanced perspective on the dynamic relationship between tax policies and fiscal outcomes. Through a thorough literature review, we explore the historical evolution of income tax reforms, incorporating insights from economists such as Smith and Keynes. Our conceptual framework guides the analysis, drawing on theoretical foundations to develop hypotheses that shape the research design. The methodology employs rigorous statistical and comparative analyses, utilizing secondary data from authoritative sources, as recommended by Johnson and Smith.The critical assessment of financial implications unveils multifaceted dynamics, emphasizing the impact of income tax reforms on government revenue, businesses, and wealth redistribution. Case studies provide real-world context, highlighting diverse outcomes and challenges faced by countries implementing these reforms. In addressing criticisms and challenges, our research underscores the importance of an adaptive and evidence-based approach to tax policy.Policy recommendations, rooted in empirical findings, offer actionable insights for policymakers seeking to balance revenue generation, economic growth, and social equity. The abstract encapsulates the complexities explored in the paper, acknowledging the contextual nature of tax policy outcomes and advocating for flexible, responsive strategies. This research contributes valuable perspectives to the ongoing discourse on income tax reforms, emphasizing the need for informed policymaking to foster sustainable economic development

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