IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Incidence and Determinants of Human Development among the Caste categories in Andhra Pradesh

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Dr.Karri Kishore Babu


The present article attempt to analyse the determinants of Human Development index of the different caste category households in Andhra Pradesh. The study is based on primary data, 450 sample respondents are selected through multi stage stratified random sampling method. The study concluded that the Human Development Index (HDI) is the simple average of the three indices: Longevity (as measured by life expectancy at birth), Knowledge (as adult literacy and mean school going) and Standard of Living (as measures by real per capita income). It may be seen from the study that the life expectancy index among the communities varied from 0.766 in OCs and 0.845 in case of STs. The aggregate life expectancy is recorded by 0.813. The per capita income index (PCI index) is positive manner. Interestingly the PCI is significant level in BCs (0.431) and least by STs (0.317). The educational index (EI) is positive manner. The highest EI is recorded by 0.699 in BCs and least by STs 0.644. The aggregate HDI of the communities are 0.687, 0.644, 0.699 and 0.657 respectively. The human development index which is the simple average of all the above three indices aggregated to 0.657. The life expectancy index among the communities in Guntur district varied from 0.698 in STs to 0.786 in case of OCs. The aggregate life expectancy is recorded by 0.743. The per capita income index (PCI index) is positive manner. Interestingly the PCI is significant level in BCs (584) and least by STs (0.584). The educational index (EI) is positive manner. The highest EI is recorded by 850 in OCs and least by STs 0.675. The aggregate HDI of the respective communities SCs, STs, BCs and OCs are 0.687, 0.652, 0.763 and 0.774 respectively. The human development index which is the simple average of all the above three indices aggregated to 0.719.

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