IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Importance of online reviews in e-shopping.

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Savita Tiwari, Dr. Ashok Kumar Chandra and Dr. Saket Ranjan Praveer


Companies for their survival in the digital era have to build their presence both online and offline. Customers are exposed to different digital platform which is full of all kind of information. This era has given more power to customers to rule the market. Now customers are playing key role in product formulation. It is era where customers are dominating the market and have upper hand to change or reformulate the product. Customers reviews have changed the whole game of market. They give more importance to reviews before making purchase. Reviews easily changes potential customers mindset regarding product. Companies should take review as constructive feedback to formulate their whole marketing strategies. They get more precise information about what customer want. It is era where product is formulated with the help of customers requirements.

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