IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Sandeep Neeradi,Adluri Mahesh,Choul Pradeep,Sravanthi Kamtam


Solar energy is free and clean. There is enough for everyone, and we will never run out of it. Solar energy is renewable. The sun will keep making energy for millions of years.Why don’t we use the sun for all our energy needs? We don’t know how to yet. The hard part is capturing the sunlight. It shines all over the earth and only a little bit reaches any one place. On a cloudy day, most of the light never reaches the ground at all.Lots of people put solar collectors on their roofs. Solar collectors capture the sunlight and turn it into heat. People can heat their houses and their water using the sun’s energy. Solar cells can turn light energy into electricity. Some toys and calculators use solar cells instead of batteries. Solar panels are made of many solar cells. Some people put solar panels on their home. These solar panels can make enough electricity for a house. Solar panels are good for houses and buildings without access to power lines.

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