IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Implementation of an Internet of Things and Machine learning Based Smart Medicine Assistive System for Patients with Memory Impairment

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Sowmya Jagadeesan, M. Kalarani, S.K. Danga, Shekhar R, V. Uma, Mohammed Siddique, Nookala Venu


The use of medicine has become widespread and is now a regular part of many people's daily routines. Thanks to advances in medical technology, many serious illnesses can now be successfully treated. The internet of things (IoT) and machine learning has provided solutions to many of the dispute faced by healthcare schemes, including the progress of smart homes and cities with e-medicine healthiness amenities that prioritize patient care. It is important for individuals to remember to take their medication on time, but for seniors or those with memory impairments, this can be a challenge. A smart medication box has been developed as a low-cost solution to help these individuals keep track of their medication schedules and receive reminders to take their prescriptions at the appropriate times. This system is easy to use and affordable, even for illiterate, elderly, or financially disadvantaged individuals.

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