IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms on Property Investment, Market Liquidity, and Real Estate Dynamics

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Dr Akondi Srikanth G. Yasasvi Y. Devi Prathyusha V. Manideep B. Srinu Ch. Meghana


This research paper, titled "Impact of Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms on Property Investment, Market Liquidity, and Real Estate Dynamics," aims to investigate the effects of real estate crowdfunding platforms on property investment and the broader real estate market. The research employs a combination of primary and secondary data sources, including surveys, interviews, and historical property transaction data. The study sets out to achieve two main objectives: first, to evaluate the impact of crowdfunding platforms on property investment trends, and second, to examine how these platforms influence market liquidity and the overall dynamics of the real estate market. The research proposes two hypotheses and corresponding statistical tests to assess these relationships. The findings from this study will contribute to a better understanding of the evolving dynamics in the real estate market and offer valuable insights for real estate investors, agencies, and policymakers. Thus the present paper reviews the existing relevant literature and primary data was gathered by using a structured questionnaire to 80 respondents. The population for the present study consists of all the real estate investors, crowdfunding platform representatives, and real estate agencies. The population includes 722 members. Questionnaires are distributed to the investors in the organization. The present study will focus on the objectives 1. To assess the impact of real estate crowdfunding platforms on property investment trends. 2. To analyze how the presence of crowdfunding platforms influences market liquidity and the broader dynamics of the real estate market.

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