IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of Philosophy of Democracy in The Digital Age in The New Modern Indian Era

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Rajni Bala, Archna Kumari


This study examines the Democracy of the Future from the standpoint of the dynamic changes brought about by the emergence of the digital era in people's daily lives. "Democracy" describes a form of government in which all citizens, in addition to exercising their political rights, also choose the form of government for their country or region, contribute to its development, draft laws, and exercise their right to universal suffrage which gives them the power of governance. This idea includes the social, economic, and cultural frameworks that enable individuals to exercise power in a way that is both free and equivalent to political self-determination. To effectively and efficiently exercise political leadership, political forces in a representative democracy face additional obstacle. A fresh methodical approach is needed to search for a comprehensive vision for the ongoing enhancement of meeting the social and economic needs of the populace in light of traditional theoretical and practical political leadership. The goal of this is to better meet the demands of the populace. The biggest problem facing theory and practice now is identifying efficient tools for future democracy and deliberative processes. This is required to guarantee that the choices taken are seen as freedom, reason, transparency, and legitimacy. Protecting each citizen's human rights and making sure they feel valued, included, and dedicated to seeing these decisions through to completion are also essential.

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