IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of Nutrition on Immune Function and Disease Resistance

Main Article Content

Dr. Sujata V. Patil Dr. Jayant R. Pawar Mrs. Swati A. Ingale


This abstract provides a concise overview of recent literature exploring the intricate relationship between nutrition, immune function, and factors influencing immunological responses. Reviews on diet and immune function, obesity's impact on immunity, and the role of specific micronutrients such as selenium and zinc underscore the critical importance of nutritional status in supporting optimal immune responses. Thymic regeneration, age-related changes in inflammatory markers, and inflammatory biomarkers in older adults contribute valuable insights into the dynamic nature of the immune system across the lifespan.Conceptual reviews on food as immunologic modulation and the role of the gut microbiota expand our understanding of novel approaches to immune health. Additionally, investigations into immunometabolic disorders and the microbiota-mediated inflammation in the intestine highlight the complex interplay between systemic health and immune function.The abstract also addresses factors influencing immune function, including sleep, exercise, stress, age, chronic diseases, and vaccination, providing a holistic perspective on the multifaceted elements impacting immunological resilience. While recognizing the challenges such as methodological variations and the intricate nature of immune responses, the abstract emphasizes the need for a multidisciplinary approach in comprehending and enhancing immune health.

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