IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Developing countries are striving towards the objective of overtaking the developed world by capitalising on the massive expansion in the number of people using mobile phones. In recent years, wealthier nations have been gradually embracing mobile commerce, while poorer nations can be seen moving towards this goal. There is a significant disparity between the number of individuals who connect to fixed lines of communication and the number of people who use mobile phones in the majority of developing countries. The consumer may take advantage of a number of special benefits that mobile commerce provides, including immediate access, localization, customisation, data portability, and connectivity. In addition to this, mobile commerce is also driving a revolution in the operational methods that firms use to conduct their daily operations. The capabilities and opportunities of mobile commerce in industrialised nations are significantly different from those in less developed ones. This difference is both big and important. Studies on the sociological and economic implications of mobile commerce have been conducted in industrialised nations for the most part. This is the case for the bulk of the studies that have been conducted. This project's major purpose is to explore the influence that mobile commerce has on the economic activities and wealth growth of communities that are primarily engaged in farming and fishing in rural locations. Specifically, the study will focus on agricultural and fishing communities.

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