IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

IMPACT OF MOBILE BANKING (With special reference to Kanyakumari District)

Main Article Content

Dr. S. Madhuri Paradesi, Gundimeda Supriya Anne


Since the very advent; Indian Judiciary has been playing an active role in protecting the rights of prisoners. Be it the Supreme court or even the High courts; none is leaving a tone unheard when it is comes to protecting prisoner’s rights. Things now has been different when the main motto of chaining a prisoner for punishment. Now the judiciary is turning its head towards reformation in the lives of prisoners; and in this process it has found out the very necessary element that is to protect various rights of them even when they are in jail premises. The article mainly tries to put forward the contributions made by the judiciary to protect the human rights of those prisoners who faced various human rights violations. The judiciary has been upholding the dignity of the Constitution by playing an active role in protecting various principles that are laid down by the Constitution like the very basic Right to life, and liberty. Not just that, judiciary is also ensuring that the victims of human right’s violations, despite them being prisoners get their due compensation.

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