IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of Financial Literary on Savings and Investment Pattern of Women

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Mrs. J. Jenifa Priya ,Dr. B. Revathy


Women in today's society enjoy greater levels of autonomy and education than previous generations; therefore, they need to be equipped with appropriate knowledge of the essential financial instruments that are now on the market so that they may realize their full financial potential. The main aim of this research paper is to assess the impacts created by financial literacy on savings and investment pattern of working women. The empirical research design was utilized in the study to provide a solution to the research challenge of analyzing the effects that are brought about by financial literacy. The study used a structured interview schedule as its method of data collection and analysis. The data were collected from 240 women employees working in different sectors to assess the impact of the financial literacy on savings and investment pattern in Tirunelveli District. The study has applied AMOS for analysis of data regarding the impacts created on investment pattern. The financial literacy has played a vital role in making the working women understand their options in financial investment. The evaluation of the alternative financial decisions and their risk as well as return analysis has been highly prevalent among the women with financial literacy. The role of financial literacy is significant for making sound financial decisions which is reflected from the opinions of the working women in the study area.

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