IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact Of Financial Analytics Adoption And Implementation On The Operational And Financial Performance Of Corporate Hospital Sector In India

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PAPANNA N,Dr. Y. Nagaraju


Various sectors of the economy are integrating technology to improve business productivity and efficiency. However, the Indian healthcare sector is disappointed that little money is being spent on hospital information systems. Technology integration has the potential to not only accelerate speed, but also improve the quality and efficiency of hospital operations. The purpose of this paper is to know about Financial Analytics adopted in Financial and Operational areas of Indian Hospitals and assess the current status of Financial Analytics specifically in the areas of health sector, role of health information technology (HIT) and its importance in improving the Accuracy in Financial and Operational data; to assess the challenges/issues faced and future recommendation to improve the status of health in India. Primary and Secondary data is used. Various articles and research papers published in national and international journals are used. India is hub of Health and its use is increasing in health sector

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