IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact of Demographic variables on Income Allocation of PM-KISAN beneficiaries: A case study of Kashmir division.

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Mr. Tawseef Ahmad Rather,Dr. Jatinder Kumar


India's Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) plan, which aims to give small and marginal farmers direct income support, has become recognized as a game-changing effort. Despite its broad use and effects on the agricultural environment, there are still few comprehensive studies examining the influence of demographic characteristics on beneficiaries of PM-KISAN's income investment, particularly in different regional contexts. The main focus of this paper is to examine how demographic variables influence on income allocation of PM-KISAN beneficiaries. The study uses a quantitative approach and conducts a survey of 300 PM-KISAN recipients from 3 districts of Kashmir, namely Anantnag, Baramulla and Kupwara which were purposively selected based on having the largest net sown area in hectares under cultivation (Digest of Statistics 2017-2018 for Jammu and Kashmir). Each agricultural block namely Shahabad (Anantnag), Kandi Rafiabad (Baramulla) and Kralpora (Kupwara) chosen randomly from the 3 selected districts. The data is examined using suitable statistical techniques, such as linear regression and correlation analysis. The study reveals a significant negative correlation between education and gender, indicating that female beneficiaries tend to have lower education levels. However, no significant correlation was found between education and land sizes. Due to significant portion of female beneficiaries were widows, who were receiving the scheme benefits after their spouse’s death, resulting in the absence of a correlation between gender and land size. Education emerges as a critical factor influencing income allocation decisions, with higher education levels leading to more strategic investments. Similarly, larger landholdings significantly impact income allocation strategies. The findings emphasize the importance of promoting education and financial literacy among farmers to enhance their income allocation practices and foster sustainable agricultural development.

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