IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

P. S. Kamble, Samruddhi Popat Vadgavkar


Climate Change is an area of environmental science that has been studied for many years. The fossil record has taught humankind much about conditions on Earth long prior to our arrival. We now live in a unique time in that our scientific abilities have not only given us a precise age of the planet, but of the universe itself. Yet there are many things we do not understand, and some of the questions that remain before us may have a significant impact on the quality of our lives in the future. As our current civilization observes an unquestioned period of warming on Earth, the issue of the nature of this change remains a topic of discussion for both scientists and the public at large. It is important, therefore, for those of us in the educational community to help our reader get the best information with which to guide their own thoughts and decisions in a changing world. This research paper explores the complex relationship between climate change and human health, focusing on five key areas: increased heat-related illnesses, changes in disease patterns, air quality and respiratory issues, mental health implications, and food security and nutrition. It highlights the importance of heat wave preparedness, surveillance systems for diseases, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, providing mental health support, and implementing sustainable agriculture practices. The paper emphasizes the urgency of taking action to alleviate climate change and promote adaptation strategies to protect human health and build resilience.

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