IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Impact Of Climate Change On Geopolitics And International Relations

Main Article Content

Dr. Bidisha Banerji,Mr. Shashwat Sen


The effects of climate change and global warming on international relations in general, and international security in particular, are examined in this research paper. The paper looks at how climate change could affect international security in a variety of ways. In the recent decade, the role of climate change in geopolitics has shifted dramatically. Climate, from merely being on the sidelines has become an active shaper of geopolitics as a whole. The notion of climate change acting as a threat multiplier will also be explored in detail in this paper. From increased violence due to resource scarcity, to displacement of people because of natural disasters, all of these events impinge on international order and security and will be inspected closely. The changing environment and the events leading up to that create a unique situation where we can look at climate change and geopolitics through the lens of science-backed policies for mitigation and adaptation and map out the impact of these changes on social and political systems of the society. The paper also explores some climate science literature and goes through recommended climate action practices. Geopolitics is heavily influenced by the energy centers in the world and will change with global warming and the exhaustion of fossil fuels. This paper touches on these concerns and attempts at painting a picture of the world with new energy centers and trade routes. This paper above anything else aims at making this understanding part of the approach to an action plan for the future.

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