IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids Implement Global Power Sharing with Multi-Level Bidirectional Inter Allied Converter Communities

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Bhavana Pabbuleti
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/i3/22


When hybrid ac-dc microgrids (HM) are formed, bidirectional inter-allied converters (BIACs) play a significant role as a bridge device for power exchange between ac and dc sub-grids. The BIAC community was created as a means of resolving the stress that a single BIAC multiple converter structure was experiencing. When compared to two-level converters, multi-level converters have benefits that help them maintain their place in present-day and future applications. For distributed power management, the multi-level converter topology improves system efficiency with a lower harmonic content. In order to perform distributed power management, this article describes the implementation of the Multi-Level Bidirectional Inter Allied Converter (MLBIAC) community and the Localised Distributed Proportional Integral Controller (LDPIC) situated at each converter in HM. The PI controller for system stability and that permits information exchange in the localised distribution controller a flexible approach. MATLAB/Simulink software was used to analyse and simulate the principles of balanced power sharing, leading role transition, bidirectional power flow, and system stability to apply MLBIAC in HM and accomplish global power sharing

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