IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

How E-Extension Facilitates Effective And Meaningful Technology Dissemination Process In Agricultural Development Programmes?

Main Article Content

Shaik Khadar Basha, Dr. Akondi Srikanth


India’s agriculture sector has been transformed from the traditional to modern practice through the effective deployment of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The paper reviews and analyzes the development stages of India’s agricultural information dissemination systems and different mechanisms for agricultural information service development and operations. The study uses secondary data of research methodology. The study explains Seven ICT-based information dissemination models are identified and discussed. Information services for farmers at the national and regional level are a promising new field of research and application in the emerging field of e-agriculture. Finally, the agricultural extension requires paradigm shift from top-down, blanket recommendation of technological packages, towards providing producers with the knowledge and understanding with which they solve their own location specific problems.

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