IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Tippanna B. Kolkar


India has had a rich tradition in dairying since the time of lord Krishna. Dairying has been inherent in Indian culture, for centuries. Milk and milk products have always been an integral part of our consumption habits. In the vast field of Animal Husbandry, the contribution of dairying has been the most significant in terms of employment generation, as well as income generation. In post independence India cooperative dairying has been one of our major successful stories having a profound impact on socio-economic development of rural area. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the two main supporters on which the entire structure of the village life rests in India. Apart from land and irrigation, live stock is the largest productive resource in the rural economy of India. Milk and milk products, being the largest agricultural commodity contributing to Rs.1,50,000 crores to the country’s GDP annually, play a vital role in agricultural economy. In India, dairying also provides sustenance to the millions of farmers distributed over 5,50, 000 villages. The cost of milk production in India is the lowest in the world which is about 70 percent of USA. However, the prices of dairy products are amongst the highest in the world. . Live stock contributes about 9 percent of the Gross Domestic Product. But an estimate shows that the organized sector handles only 15 percent of the milk produced while the 45 percent is still handled by the unorganized sector with remaining 40 percent retained by the producers for home consumption. Today India is the largest producer of milk in the world pushing united states to second place total milk produced in the county during 2015-16 is 155.5 million tones and the per-capita availability of milk is 337 grams per day. According to National Dairy Development Board demand for milk and milk products is estimated to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 5% from 138 million tones in 2014 to 200 million tones in 2022

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