IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Groundwater Analysis of Pune City in the Mutha River Watershed, Pune District Maharashtra

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Pacharne Sunil.B,Barakade Ankush.J


The water quality index is foremost important for all people to understand the quality of water on an interval scale. In this work has attempted on the third level of assessment to find out groundwater quality status of Pune city in the Mutha river watershed area. In this study, groundwater samples were collected post, and pre monsoon 2020 and 2021. The hydrochemical parameters were selected for this work like pH, TDS, CI, TH, ALKY, SO4, NO3, Ca, Mg. The water quality index (WQI) has calculated through the Weighted Arithmetic Water Quality Index (WAWQI) method. The minimum and maximum index values were observed the range between 27 to 55 respectively. This study concluded that the growth of urbanization as well as natural factors has an affected groundwater quality.

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