IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Green Investment: Returns and Pattern

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Sandeep Kumar Rawat,Dr. ANU


Environment means the surroundings, which are necessary for the human survival and growth. The existence of human beings depends upon the environmental resources, that are limited in itself. So, for the survival and the growth human beings, it is crucial to sustain the environmental resources. Green investment is one of the potential apparatuses to confront with the environmental problems. In this study the author examined the impact of investment returns on the investment pattern of the green investors and the author also tried to explore the relationship between the investment pattern and investment return of green investment. Data of 100 green investors have been collected from the Uttar Pradesh, India, for research purpose and various statistical tools are applied to reach the conclusion.

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