IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Green Chemistry: Minimal Negative Effect On The Surrounding Ecosystem

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Dr. Nirmala Sisodia


The industrial revolution increased our general standard of living. To improve human longevity, it produced a large number of life-improving objects. The Industrial Revolution led to a rise in global production. a higher production rate in addition to serving as a source raw material intended for rapid consumption. No one believes that hundreds of tons of garbage damage the air, water, and land, not even consumers, scientists, or companies in the hazardous industrial sector. In the linear structure of the economy, the only metric used to quantify success was the success of the completed work, without regard for the legacies that were left behind. Soon, it will be hard to disregard significant environmental challenges, industry associations, and waste that has an effect on the environment. The green movement, which began with my community's growing awareness of the need to safeguard the environment, has expanded in waves to become one of the defining phrases of the 20th century. The green movement involves trash reduction, reuse, and recycling. During the 90s, the chemical industry was also affected by ongoing research into green chemistry, which ultimately led to the realization of manufacturing and training initiatives. Through the implementation of green chemistry concepts, the chemical industry has begun to protect the environment and conduct more sustainable practices. For a growing population in a society with limited resources in the twenty-first century, one of the most prevalent concepts in green chemistry is the concept of progress. To ensure that future generations inherit a habitable planet, it is essential to know green chemistry and green chemistry concepts and to implement these ideas.

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