IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Gratification of Passengers Towards Southern Railways - A Special Reference to Tirunelvli Junction

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G. Jabez Rajan ,Dr. S.Bulomine Regi


Railway is one of the best public transport modes on land transportation. Railways, as mass public transport modes, have unique characteristics. It has large capacity, high safety level, and free from traffic jam. Those characteristics make railway a primary public transportation. Indian Railways is the largest railway network operated by the Government of India. Where the railway was first introduced in India in 1853. Indian Railways is the biggest Government institution of India which gives more than 17 Lakh people employment. Indian Railways is the biggest railway system of Asia and the second biggest railway system of the world. The objective of this research is to analyze the purpose of travelling in train, choice of comfortability and factors behind the preference of passengers’ towards travelling in train. Primary data were collected from 150 passengers in Tirunelveli Railway Junction with the help of questionnaire using purposive random sampling. The data were analysed using Percentage Analysis, Garrett Ranking and mean ranking. Hence this study made an attempt to identify the preference of passengers towards southern railways.

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