IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Sagar P. Mali, Dr. Anil S. Yedge, Ms. Deeksha Naik-Talaulikar


Land capability classification is a systematic process used to evaluate the potential uses and limitations of land for various purposes, such as agriculture, forestry, urban development, or conservation. This classification helps land planners, resource managers, and policymakers make informed decisions about land use and management.The Khushavati River Basin, a vital geographical area with significant ecological and agricultural importance, has undergone a comprehensive land capability classification utilizing Geo-Spatial technology. This study relies on secondary sources of data, including soil depth, slope map, and soil texture map, to assess the land's suitability for various uses. Geo-Spatial technology plays a pivotal role in processing and analyzing the collected data, providing a robust framework for land capability classification.The objective of this study is to evaluate the land suitability for diverse purposes such as agriculture, forestry, and other land development. The integration of these datasets through Geo-Spatial technology enables a holistic understanding of the region's landscape.The methodology involves the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) tools and techniques to process and analyze the collected data. Spatial overlays are employed to derive meaningful insights into the land's capability for specific uses to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the land capability classification. Results from the land capability classification reveal distinct zones within the Khushavati River Basin, each exhibiting unique characteristics influencing its suitability for different land uses. These findings serve as valuable inputs for sustainable land management practices and informed decision-making regarding agricultural planning, natural resource conservation, and other land development in the region.

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