IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Generation of Electricity Through Piezoelectric Material

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Shashank Mishra


Low-power electrical gadgets have risen significantly during the past several years. Numerous people utilize the items to make their daily life more comfortable. The problem arising in the idea of gathering alternative renewable energy within human environments has piqued our attention as the power consumption of portable electronic gadgets has increased. Thus, for the next generation of wearable technology, wearable network, and automated systems to be practical, new power-generating techniques are needed. Piezoelectric materials combine mechanical and electrical capabilities, making them great power-generating materials. In this paper, the author discussed the generation of electricity through piezoelectric material using several elements such as lead acid battery, inverter, liquid crystal display, and sensor. It concluded that piezoelectric materials are being used in power-generating technologies to recover vibrational or compressive energy. The majority of research is focused on creating compact self-powered gadgets, though. These constraints will worsen in the future as the need for wireless energy outpaces already virtually perfected battery development.

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