IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Framework of Social Security for Disabled Person in India: A Need for an All Inclusive Strategy

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Priyanka Chaturvedi, Dr. Pooja Gupta


According to the 2011 cencus 2.21% of total population of india ard suffering from various types of physical disabilities. Disavility is the subject matter of state list in the constitution of India. But central government have played active role in dealing with this problem. In 2016 the government or India eracted Right of person with Disability Act. A distinct ministry dealing with the issue of disables person has beenestabilished under the ministry of Juatire. Disability is a social issue which require great attention of society as well as government. Government ru range of schemes and NGO's alsi, These programes provide both pramotional and Protection social security of thjs class of citizens. The aim of these afforts is to connect there people with the mainstream of development. Access to education Health care employment apportunities, friendly environment, transport facilities. Communication easenese, techbological assistance etc. are the measures through which the government ensure inclsive growth of the society. The present paper attempt to the gain knowledge of various social security scheme (both pramptioned and protective) which are being su, for the differently abled pople as well as analyzing the same inorder to find the area where nose conprehensive and concentrated efforts are required, The analysis is baned on secondary data fathered from various articls, internet sources books etc

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