IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

For Single Frequency GNSS User Applications, a New Ionospheric Model Using the Klobuchar Model Driven by Auto Regressive Moving Average (SAKARMA) Method Over the Indian Region

Main Article Content

D. Venkata Ratnam
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/i3/10


To forecast and improve the accuracy of ionospheric delay estimations for GNSS users, a new model called Single Frequency GNSS User Applications utilising Klobuchar model driven by Auto Regressive Moving Average Method (SAKARMA) is presented. The Assimilated Indian Regional Vertical Total Electron Content (AIRAVAT), which is only for the Indian region (longitude: 65°E to 100°E; latitude: 36°E), is used to produce the hourly VTEC maps.During the period from 2nd to 12th September 2017, a dual-frequency Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) receiver was deployed at the KL Education Foundation in Guntur, India. The geographic coordinates of the receiver were 16.37°N latitude and 80.37°E longitude, while the geomagnetic coordinates were 7.44°N latitude and 153.75°E longitude.The receiver was used to collect observations during this time frame, specifically focusing on ionospheric delays. To validate the accuracy of the ionospheric model, the SAKARMA model was employed. This model was compared against other established models, including the Klobuchar model, which uses Klobuchar-style coefficients provided by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) under the CODKlob model. Additionally, the BeiDou System (BDS2) model and the NeQuick 2 model were also used for comparison.The purpose of this validation was to assess the effectiveness of the SAKARMA model in forecasting ionospheric delays at a low-latitude NavIC station. By comparing the results obtained from the SAKARMA model against the other established models, the study aimed to determine the model's accuracy and its ability to provide reliable ionospheric corrections for dual-frequency NavIC receivers operating in the Indian region.

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