IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Food Sovereignty is a key for Sustainable Society: Gardening in Nutritious Green Plot Ensuring Environmental Justice

Main Article Content

Kirti Rani Sahu, Dr. Piyush Kumar Trivedi


A vital component of human existence, food sovereignty has changed dramatically over time. In order to ensure everyone’s well-being and prevent malnutrition, the term “food soveregnity” refers to the availability of safe, wholesome food for everyone at all times. Food sovereignty is the wide right of local peoples to govern their own food systems, encompassing markets, natural resources, food cultures, and production methods. It is a crucial alternative to the idea of food security. This article argues that the Indian Constitution and its underlying ideas provide a sound framework for thinking about the right to food. In this framework, the right to food is one of the basic economic and social rights that are essential to achieve “economic democracy”, without which political democracy is at best incomplete. Examined the elements of food sovereignty include food regimes, rights-based and citizenship approaches to food and food sovereignty, and the substantive concerns of advocates for this alternative paradigm, including a new trade regime, agrarian reform, a shift to agroecological production practices, attention to gender relations and equity, and the protection of intellectual and indigenous property rights.

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