IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Dr. Gangadhar G Hugar


The financial industry is facing growing difficulties in recruiting and maintaining top personnel in today's fast-paced and competitive corporate environment. Attracting and keeping finance experts is the primary subject of this abstract, which examines the tactics used by financial firms to manage personnel efficiently. The article starts by taking a look at the present state of the financial industry, drawing attention to the increasing need for competent workers due to changes in technology, regulations, and client expectations. Compensation, chances for professional growth, work-life balance, company culture, and employee engagement programmes are some of the most important aspects that are considered when attracting and retaining talent in the financial sector. The abstract goes on to detail the several approaches used by banks and other financial organisations to deal with these problems. Targeted marketing campaigns, employer branding initiatives, and collaborations with educational institutions to foster a pool of competent applicants are all part of these creative recruiting approaches. The study goes on to discuss retention strategies, which may include things like financial professionals-specific career development plans, mentoring programmes, flexible work schedules, and attractive benefits packages. Additionally, the abstract delves into the significance of data analytics, AI, and digital platforms in financial talent management, highlighting their role in improving recruitment processes, identifying high-potential candidates, and facilitating skill development and continuous learning.

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