IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Feasibility of Agricultural Systems and Organic Agriculture

Main Article Content

Vineet Kumar


The need for sustainable agriculture is critical, but deciding how to get there remains a challenge. It is discussed to what extent the concept of sustainable agriculture has practical importance. Sustainability, in addition to organic farming, is a sector that is quickly growing in many nations. In India's post-independence period, the most pressing problem has been providing enough food to feed an expanding population. Irrigation water, pesticide infusions, and fertilizers are all utilized to produce higher-producing crops. This addition of high-yielding manufacturing technology has aided the country's capacity to produce huge quantities of food, but it has resulted in challenges and problems with soil health, pesticide toxicity, environmental degradation, and agricultural production sustainability. When it comes to agricultural commodities, the role of regulation through the use of synthetic agrochemicals, the required level of self-sufficiency in farming systems, and the scale of production and trade of agricultural commodities are all discussed in the context of this debate on sustainability. Organic farming has the potential to provide high-quality food that is neither damaging to the soil's health nor the environment; nevertheless, it is unclear if large-scale organic farming will be able to supply enough food for India's enormous population.

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