IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Rathava Ashwinkumar Harsinhbhai, Dr.Pankaj K. Baraiya


Education equips individuals with the cognitive, emotional, physical, and spiritual resources necessary to boldly confront difficulties, make informed decisions, prepare for the future, and expand their worldview. Proper education may lead to a satisfying existence. This article primarily focuses on the importance and need for education, challenges in the Indian education system, issues within the Indian education system, and suggestions for improving the Indian education system. This essay will specifically address the problems affecting the Indian school system. When it comes to education in India, the outcome is determined not by a student's ability but rather by the grade that they receive. Within the framework of India's educational system, the results of tests are accorded a greater degree of importance than the actual development of students' capabilities. Evaluation of students' capacity to retain and recall knowledge is given a higher emphasis by the educational system when it comes to the process of preparing pupils for learning that will continue throughout their lives. There is no difference in the underlying importance of any examination. The curriculum at schools and colleges lays a higher emphasis on test preparation and career preparation than it does on students' general growth and the acquisition of skills. This is in contrast to the way that the curriculum focuses on students' general development. There is a lower level of significance placed on schooling. The Indian education system places a higher emphasis on learning and grades than it does on the development of skills and competencies, according to the findings of this research study, which analyses the ways in which this is the case

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