IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

"Exploring the Unique Cultural Traits: The Kattunayakkan Tribe of Madurai District"

Main Article Content

N. Vanavarayan, Dr. B. Chitra


India is a huge, stunning country with a rich, ancient past. This subcontinent has been home to numerous groups of men and women for thousands of years, each with their own cultural practices that include land cultivation, industry development, artistic and craft production, and the development of indigenous culture. Because of the flourishing of multiple civilizations, India is now home to a wide diversity of races that speak a wide variety of tongues and adhere to a wide range of customs and practices. In addition to this cultural splendor, there are still a lot of backward communities with distinct cultures

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