IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Exploring The Mediating Role Of Junk Food Advertisements In The Relationship Between Malnutrition And Cognitive Development In Children

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Background: Malnutrition is a major public health issue in India, affecting a large proportion of children. It leads to stunted growth, weakened immune systems, and negatively impacts a child's learning abilities. Studies have shown that television advertisements for junk foods can have a significant impact on children’s food attitudes, preferences, and choices, which can negatively affect children’s nutrition needs. Objectives: This study shows how television advertisements of junk food items influence children’s malnutrition and their learning skills by exploring the relationship between them and what makes children so vulnerable to the promotion of unhealthy food. Then, the paper explores how regulations and parenting cultures can be utilized to mitigate the possible negative impact of food promotions on the health of children. Methods: The area of the study chosen for the data collection was the Chennai district and the cluster sample taken, there are 187 children from the age group of 11-15 were selected. Further, conduct univariate and multivariate analyses for understanding the causes, and relationships among the factors of the study. Findings: The study noted that, an indirect effect of both factors mediated by advertisements for junk foods. A study into the relationship between malnutrition and the cognitive skills of children holds a number of implications in the current era, therefore managing the nutrition of children is evolved with new dimensions.

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