IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Exploring the Link between Food Insecurity and Mental Health

Main Article Content

Mrs. Shilpa S. Ruikar Dr. Vithal K. Dhulkhed Dr. Girish R. Pathade


This research paper delves into the intricate relationship between food insecurity and mental health, examining the multifaceted connections that underlie this complex interplay. The paper employs a comprehensive review of existing literature, integrating findings from epidemiological studies, psychological research, and public health analyses to provide a nuanced understanding of the dynamics between insufficient access to nutritious food and mental well-being. The exploration encompasses the physiological impact of inadequate nutrition on brain function, the psychological stressors arising from the uncertainty of food availability, and the cyclical nature of this relationship in perpetuating economic and mental health challenges. Additionally, the paper investigates the impact of food insecurity on specific demographic groups, such as children and individuals facing chronic health conditions. The research also considers the role of social, economic, and environmental factors in shaping the link between food insecurity and mental health. Beyond identification and analysis, the paper discusses potential interventions, policies, and community-based initiatives aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of food insecurity on mental health. Ultimately, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved, offering insights that can inform public health strategies, policy development, and future research directions.

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