IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Exploring the Landscape of Competitive Coding Platforms: An In-Depth Analysis and Comparative Study

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Dr E. SriDevi V.PremaLatha


Due to the cutting's rapid development edge data society, it's critical to educate the youth who will be responsible for the Information Technology (IT) industry's future. The issue solution is a thoughtful discovery that is used to enhance capabilities and updated IT information. To genuinely improve Among students' comprehension of programming, we have created a website with competitive coding. The majority of pupils lack the ability to even comprehend a brief bit of code. Additionally, we created the contest management Web server, a website for competitive coding. Through an execution test, the server assesses the software that was submitted using input and output data. We provide many planning assessments for incremental sub-objectives as a prerequisite for customizing a competition for novices. This offers the answer at the conclusion as well. It also oversees the student's performance and advancement. We're developing a tutoring and tracking feature set for our teacher assistance system.

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