IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Exploring the Application of Coconut Shell as a Coarse (stone) aggregates Aggregate in Concrete

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B G Rahul


As construction material costs continue to rise, there's a growing exploration of alternatives to traditional coarse (stone) aggregates aggregates in concrete. A noteworthy trend in places like Malaysia, Nigeria, and Ghana involves using coconut shells instead of conventional gravel. This innovative approach not only tackles economic challenges in construction but also contributes to managing agricultural solid waste sustainably. Every day, a significant amount of coconut shells is discarded as agricultural waste. Repurposing these shells for construction offers a substantial cost reduction, up to 48%, and aligns with environmental sustainability goals by turning waste into a valuable resource. Implementing coconut shells as a coarse (stone) aggregates aggregate in concrete showcases resourcefulness and highlights the potential for a more eco-friendly construction industry. This novel approach not only addresses economic constraints in construction but also aligns with global efforts to promote sustainability. By transforming agricultural waste into construction material, we not only reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal but also contribute to the development of a circular economy. As Malaysia, Nigeria, and Ghana lead the way in adopting this innovative construction practice, there's potential for broader global adoption. This promises a more sustainable and cost-effective future for the construction industry, emphasizing the dual benefits of economic savings and environmental responsibility.

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