IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Exploring Adaptation and Self-Discovery: Analyzing Manju Kapur's The Immigrant

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Ronakbahen jitendrakymar Prajapati ,Dr. Nilesh L Megha


This research paper delves into the themes of adaptation and self-discovery in Manju Kapur's novel, The Immigrant. The novel follows the protagonist, a young Indian woman named Nina, as she navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by her new life in Canada. Through a close analysis of the text, we examine how the characters' experiences of assimilation and identity formation are shaped by cultural, social, and personal factors. We also explore the broader implications of these themes for understanding the complexities of immigrant experiences in contemporary literature. Ultimately, this paper seeks to contribute to the critical discourse on immigration narratives and shed light on the transformative journey undertaken by Kapur's characters as they grapple with questions of belonging and self-definition.

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