IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Exploration of the antagonistic experiences of an Indian woman in the works of Jhumpa Lahiri

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Jhumpa Lahiri is among the most distinguished Indo-American writers. As a writer from the diaspora, she brings her remarkably contemporary Indian sensibility to other countries and skillfully expresses it via her work. Lahiri could depict the characters in the perspective of both native and alien culture, as she is herself a product of immigration and multiculturalism. Jhumpa Lahiri, deeply affected by the value of family ties and attachment to relatives back home, has had the anguish of not being able to define herself in the new country, where she would never feel like she belongs. Self-imposed exile and shifted realities are in many respects a disaster, they serve as a catalyst for her writing and help her to become a talented fiction writer. She is a well-known young Indian writer who serves as a sort of archetype for the plight of women in the diaspora. She investigates the concepts of identities as well as cultural and personal isolation.

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