IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Examining the Transition from Cryptocurrency Awareness to Mainstream Adoption: Influential Factors and Catalysts

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Mr. Harishwar Suru , Ms. Krishna Ashutoshbhai Vyas


There are frequent technological advancement and modernization in the cryptocurrency market. The block chain system through which the cryptocurrency works, this technology has enhanced the data transparency, security, Instant traceability, speedy and efficiency of the transections, moreover it enabled financial transactions without intermediaries. The cryptocurrency remarkably remains controversial throughout in India, the opinions are divided, some are in favor of cryptocurrency and wants to explore the market while at a same time some are averse to the cryptocurrency and not accepting new technological development in finance completely. The researcher focuses on the exploring the awareness, perspectives and willingness of the individuals to adopt the cryptocurrency completely. The researcher tried to fetch the data regarding different five factors important to study the perspective (adoption) of individual related to cryptocurrency like the performance and efforts expectancy, Pleasant Motivation, Price Value and Behavioral Intention of the individuals, the collected the data from 200 individuals through structured questionnaire and the same is been analyzed through the statistical test.

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