IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Examining the role of Personal (demographic) and Professional characteristics of teachers of Gujarat on their job satisfaction

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Rekha Anil Abraham


This study examines the role of personal and professional characteristics of teachers of Gujarat on their job satisfaction. Personal characteristics include age, gender, marital status, qualification and teaching experience whereas professional characteristics include participation in professional development programs, teachers’ motivational beliefs such as self-efficacy, subject knowledge etc. and relation with students. A questionnaire was circulated through google form and 763 teachers of various English medium schools of Gujarat had responded. Descriptive statistics have been used to come to a conclusion that gender, marital status and experience has a significant effect on job satisfaction whereas age and qualification does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction of teachers of Gujarat. With respect to professional characteristics of teachers, it has been concluded that there is a significant relationship of participation in professional development, giving more responsibilities without proper training, on job training and mentoring sessions, spending time with students requiring more help and students not completing their work have significant impact on teachers’ job satisfaction in Gujarat.

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