IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Evaluation of Yoga on Human Being

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Rahul Kumar,DR. Dheerendra Pratap Singh


Yoga originated in ancient India at 2700 B.C. but yoga was systemized by Patanjali in the Yog Sutras (300-200B.C.). In recent times, yoga is growing day to day more popular among people because of gaining overall better health and fitness. In present time, our life is very stressful because of playing multiple roles at one time. By practicing yoga as physical exercise which can help in people’s strength, flexibility and mind-body coordination. In this article, we want to review the lifestyle and health condition of the people’s after doing yoga through qualitative analysis of available secondary data. Yoga is integrating the concept of unity between the body, mind and spirit. The regular practices of yoga helps us in bears the complete solutions to the problem related with human life and living. For a healthy, harmonious and peaceful life, yoga is very beneficial practice which is spiritual in nature. So, we are aware about the physical, psychological, intellectual, social, spiritual, and moral advantages of yoga. Yoga helps in people’s attitude yet to make holistic.

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