IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Evaluating the Well-being of Adolescents in Andhra Pradesh, India: A Thorough Medical Investigation of Nutrition and Habits to Improve Youth Healthcare Provision

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K Hemamalin, B Babitha


The foundation towards a better adult life is established by the well-being of adolescents, which makes it an essential aspect of the health of the community. Among the most populated countries in the entire globe, India has a sizable youthful population. Teenagers in India encounter an array of intricate health problems, with dietary habits and way of life constituting significant factors. This comprehensive clinical study aims to assess the health status of adolescents in Andhra Pradesh, India, with a specific focus on their diet and lifestyle. The research seeks to enhance youth health services by conducting a thorough medical investigation of the nutrition choices and habits prevalent among adolescents in the region. By evaluating their well-being, this study endeavors to identify potential areas of improvement in healthcare provision for the youth population. The findings from this research will contribute to the development of targeted interventions and strategies to promote better health outcomes among adolescents in Andhra Pradesh. In an effort to enhance health care tailored to the specific needs of adolescents, the present piece examines and evaluates the impact of dietary and lifestyle choices on adolescent health in Andhra Pradesh, India. It also proposes feasible enhancement approaches. For this research study adolescents in the age group of 13 to 17 were selected from different schools in Vijayawada. Total 175, out of which 54.3% were boys and 45.7% were girls. The results represent that 68% decides their menu by themselves, majority not doing regular physical activity, and taking only one serving of vegetables, almost eating outside food daily, though 29% of the participants were in the overweight grade 44% were able to maintain the healthy weight but experiencing Anxiety and headaches frequently.

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