IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Ethnomedicinal Flora on AKS University Campus: Traditional Uses and Insights

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Keerti Samdariya, Ashwini A. Waoo


Ethnomedicinal knowledge, embedded within cultures for centuries, offers a rich repository of remedies derived from natural sources. This review delves into the ethnomedicinal plants found on the campus of AKS University, exploring their traditional uses as documented in indigenous knowledge systems. The study aims to compile, document, and analyze the diverse array of plant species utilized by local communities for medicinal purposes. Through a comprehensive survey of literature, ethnobotanical databases, and fieldwork, this review identifies a plethora of plant species growing abundantly on the AKS University campus, known for their medicinal properties. Traditional uses of these plants encompass various ailments including digestive disorders, respiratory issues, skin ailments, and more. Furthermore, the review discusses the cultural significance, methods of preparation, and administration routes associated with each plant species.

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