IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Ethno Medico Botanical study of Bhairu Devrai (sacred grove) Pat, Mandangad

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Ningdale P. M , Ghalme R. L


Devrai or Sacred grove is ancient protected areas for the sake of conservation. These groves are associated with many beliefs and disbeliefs which create either fear or devotional attitude in people resulting in conservation of plants within it. Bhairu Devrai is also an similar structure of conserved forest by local tribes. Situated in Konkan region it is rich in its biodiversity. This Devrai comprises many plant species which are more or less used as medicinal plants and have with fauna associated with these plants. Present research was focused on Ethno Medico Botanical study of plants known and unknown by tribes of Pat, Mandangad.

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