IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Ethical Consumerism: A Sustainable Paradigm for Preferring Organic Products

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Harvinder Singh Gambhir,Dr. Sachin Chauhan, Dr. Mausmi Goel


The present research primarily focuses on investigating ethical consumerism that precisely influences consumers’ behavior to purchase ethically grown products and positively impact human health and environmental change. Ethical consumerism stems from the normative viewpoint that supports the natural production of the products and the judicious consumption of such products. In view of this, the present research proceeds in arguing that to some extent consumers who are educated seem to be well aware of the benefits as well as side effects of every product they consume in daily life. Due to this social emphasis they tend to buy the products that are healthy and eco-friendly and as a result they are largely inclined towards organic products. Therefore, the urge towards the gradual increase in the purchase of organic products is its consequential benefits to both health and environment. However, it is observed though organic products promote human health and prevent environmental deterioration yet it faces many challenges and implications. For instance, people fall short in decision making to buy the products that are genuinely organic in nature. The present analysis attempts to bring in the cognizance that the consumption of organic products signifies ethical consumerism. Hence, ethical consumerism would serve the alternative influencing paradigm in the transition of consumer behavior from conventional to organic products

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