IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Main Article Content

Souvik Sur


Environmental protection refers to the efforts of individuals, organizations, and governments to protect the environment. Its objectives include safeguarding natural resources and the present natural environment, but also repairing damage and reversing trends when possible. Life on Earth is only feasible due to its environment, which is reliant on natural resources such as water, land, forest, as well as food. Forests, one of the most significant natural resources, provide a green blanket to the planet. They create a wide range of physical products as well as intangible environmental services that are difficult to value commercially. Water is another essential natural resource on our planet, accounting for 97 percent of its surface area. Minerals, which are a vital part of every country's economy, are found naturally in inorganic and crystalline forms. This paper focused on environmental protection, sustainable development, the need for conservation, and factors of sustainable development. Land may even be a limited and precious resource on which humans depend for food, fiber, and fuelwood, all of which are necessary aspects of existence therefore need for the conservation of all the resources are necessary for the future.

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