IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Environment Saving Technology

Main Article Content

Uspendra Kumar


The climate is quick corrupting. Specialists accept that in the closest future, the climate will implode, assuming the current pace of corruption proceeds. One of the fundamental drivers of this debasement is accepted to be innovation. This has prompted the far reaching impression of innovation as a revile rather than a gift to the climate and humankind. Innovation in itself is esteem nonpartisan; it is its utilization that prompts terrible or great outcomes. It is the conflict of these specialists, that innovation when all around driven could reestablish the wellbeing of the climate. Innovation because of its off-base situating in the past has created ecological issues. It very well may be repositioned to encourage ecological wellbeing later on. Innovation along these lines, has the potential, to reestablish and recuperate what it has injured, when appropriately determined. This study talked about different innovation which can assists with forestalling the climate. In future this work concurs that innovation is one of the fundamental driver of ecological issues however differs that innovation is revile.

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